Frank J. Rich
© 2013 Frank J. Rich
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Raising Father
If I Were A House
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About Frank
Frank J. Rich is a businessman and founder and CEO of organizational development company encore prist international. He has published more than 500 articles on performance improvement, and has also written more than 200 poems, literary letters, short stories, a political irony cartoon strip, and the better part of another fictional novel.

The idea for this book (Raising Father) came to him in a moment of reflection on the nature of the human condition under stress. Given to thought on the fundamentals of human behavior, and its elemental hopefulness, he imagined the course of a family in the wake of tragedy. The writing is thoughtful and intuitive, and reveals the ethic behind decisions and the heart behind the ethic. The telling of this story, as is common to most storytellers, is the accumulated expression of so many of the pennies held closely in his own thought bank. Perhaps, he also imagined that little more was necessary to complete it than to put it to paper. And so the story was written.
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Red Star Threnody, my next fictional novel, is colored of the same internal workings that encourages the willing as they go through life. Its pages reveal a thriller that is both exciting for its travel across the world and its sensitivity to the hope in humankind. If this is a good next step for you I've included the first few chapters as an introduction.

You may also pre-order the book, due out in 2013, by placing your contact information in the form provided. I consider it an honor should anyone read the written work of another.

Thank You, Frank J. Rich, author